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My Story So Far...

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Where it all began
I have been involved in the transport industry all my life. With my Dad, Uncle and big brother all being truckies it seemed only natural that I would be one as well. From the time I could reach the pedals I was driving trucks. I spent a lot of time with my Dad (Ern) and my older brother(Ken) running around the place in trucks helping them instead of going to school. I did a bit of grain carting during school holidays and as soon as I had my rigid licence I was driving meat trucks carting hanging meat from Mudgee in the Central tablelands of NSW to Sydney doing up to 40 deliveries a day.

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Hard Yakka
It was a hard job lumping meat but I worked with some great guys that made the job a lot more fun. I'm happy to say I am still friends with a lot of these guys today and keep in contact when I can. I got to see some real eye opening things running around Sydney at night time delivering meat.

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Big Time
I was 18 when I got my Semi licence and started doing some interstate runs to Melbourne & Brisbane plus regular country runs carting produce and milk. It was a good job but not a lot of money and I yearned for more. I have nothing but thanks for old Kenny Bartrim for giving me a start at such a young age.

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Western Australia
It was 1991 and I was 21 when I decided to come to WA to have a crack at the big bangers. Leonora was the destination as a mate of mine was heading over so I tagged along. What an eye opener I thought I knew it all but I was still only a boy with a lot to learn. I started out towing tippers carting Gold Ore. It was a good way to start off and it taught me a lot.

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LML Transport
I was lucky enough to score a job with Kim. He had some good gear but we towed Brambles trailers which were a bit behind the times but it was good to tow old gear. It made you respect your equipment and I learnt so much there. I was carting fuel out of Kalgoorlie which was a pretty sought after job back then. I copped a lot of flack for being a young fella and scoring the job.

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The 8 Wheeler
After a while I got put in the 8 wheeler pulling 2 dogs. It was a great truck and very well known back in the 90's as at the time it was the biggest bit of gear running North out of Kalgoorlie. I spent several years in that truck before they upgraded me to one of the triples.

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Dieseline Dreams
I ended up working for a few mates as a fill in driver 4 days a week. One of the trucks was this awesome C500 with a KTA cummins. A well know truck when it run Perth to Darwin and an absolute awesome truck to drive. I loved driving it up the road, nothing could catch it with 3 or even 4 trailers behind it.

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Energy Trucking
I moved to Perth and started running North West for Kingy a subbie for Energy Trucking. This is where I first got involved with the Currie family. Jim Currie was the main share holder of Energy's and what a great man. This started an association that I didn't know then but would change my life in the future. I also did a fair bit of work for the Burns Brothers. They were a great mob of guys and Geoff and myself were very good friends for quite a while.

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Mack Munchers
After a few years running up North and a failed local transport business of my own I started with Clevelands. I started as a local driver but ended up running East West plus running up North as well. Frank Lenzi is a great man and I am proud to say I was a Mack Muncher. Frank was a pioneer in the Australian Transport Industry and I have nothing but respect for the man.

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Colonial Freight Lines
After seven years with Clevelands I went back running the North West full time for Colonial. Towing the Nexus vans was a sometimes tedious task but it was a good job and I ended up running all over Australia for Damian. From Perth to Darwin to North Queensland down the east Coast back to Perth. I done a lot of miles and seen a lot of country but it was time for me to get off the road and in the office.

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After having my own prime Mover for some time working as a contractor I gave that away and started my Managers career as the GM of NLC Logistics. A small company that was not really going anywhere. I built this business up from one truck to seven working full time plus a few subbies doing East West. I spent a lot of time, blood sweat and tears working here and it taught me a lot about dealing with people and servicing my customers. Some of the customers followed me to my next job and I still keep in contact with them.

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Bonnie Rock Transport. What a great company owned by the Currie family this is where I learned how to provide a first rate service. I started in the Operations Department in the Perth depot but after around a year or so moved to Karratha to take on the role as the Dampier Base Manager. I spent several more years working for BRT before the company was bought by an International organization. Jim, Ron and the rest of the family are the reason I am the person I am today, I cant thank them enough for the opportunity and the experience I received working for them and hold the family in the highest regard.


07/07/2019 Three Years in and Dantranz Logistics has proven to be the go to transport company in the Pilbara. With several major International customers on board we have been working together with our clients to show we are "The Can-do Transport Company"

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01/04/2021 We have just opened a Perth depot to service our clients needs. We are showing that a small family owned business with a passion for what it does can survive in todays crazy world.

My Story: Our Testimonials


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